HALH: Table of Khantents

Originally appeared on Have A Little Humor on October 19, 2015:

Feedback is quite the drug. I’m two posts deep in this venture, and I’ve already received so many exciting and encouraging responses! (To be fair, I am dropping self-promoting links left and right, charming responses out of people like hypnotized snakes… but I haven’t been attacked yet. So I probably won’t stop until I rule the world or something of the like.)

Now, let’s figure out why you crazy people want to read more of my writing.

It’s safe to say that 70% of said responses came from people related to me. My mother, for example, spent an entire day raving about the exquisite talent I displayed in my previous post… as well as my unparalleled creativity that could only have emanated from her genes. (My dad just told me that he’ll never understand my brain, so we won’t consider him in these numbers.)

But that leaves another 30% of people who both enjoyed my writing and are NOT blood relatives of mine.


I Am Puzzled


As a (self-proclaimed) writer, I challenge everything… Prior to jumping back into this game, I had to declutter my mind of questions like “what makes you think you‘re someone with something to say?” and “what if you only have a few good posts in you?”

Naturally, I had pondered the possibility of publishing something that poisons people’s thoughts of me, or just panicking mid-post and forgetting how letters form words… I also considered it possible that I be hunted by celestial lifeforms that deem my thoughts unfit for the masses.

Then I snapped back to the insanity that is my life. By the time I finish this post, it will be early in the morning, and I’ll be left to reflect on the 8156 days that shaped me into this nocturnal blogger. Insomnia has granted me a few thousand extra hours to poke at my brain with a chisel and sculpt my mind into something I’m proud of… but it’s also forced me to spend most of my waking hours attempting to translate my thoughts into coherent English.

Luckily, you kind folks are patiently teaching me your language: Everywhere I go, I carry a little woven basket in which I collect the adjectives that people use to describe me. Ok, this is a lie. But I’m certain there is a compartment of my brain that serves this purpose. And it more or less houses a collection of synonyms for the word “weird.”

Seriously. I have heard them all. As soon as I open my mouth, friends, family, and strangers alike quickly decide that I am quirky, odd, insane, eccentric, special (I do hear the “Ed.” you try to weave into your breath afterward), etc. Apparently there’s no hiding it. I’m weird. And the private detective I put on the case tells me that people enjoy it.


In Conclusion…


Knowing that, I intend to use this blog to humorously reveal the inner machinations of my mind and share the absurd events that transpire in my life – though you’ll have to bear with me through the times that I binge-drink coffee or eat 70 cookies in one sitting, for these are regular occurrences and significantly amplify my weirdness.


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